
Author: Mock Webware

Upto 10 points could be awarded to applicants for some factors under adaptability.

Adaptability Factors Points Eligibility
Applicant’s spouse or partner’s official language proficiency: If your spouse or common-law partner has taken a language test from an IRCC approved agency and have achieved a score of CLB level 4 or higher in all of the four language skill areas i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. (The language test scores should be less than two years old) 5 points

Applicant’s past study in Canada. It is considered when an Applicant has successfully completed at-least two years of full-time study i.e. the program they completed was at-least of two years duration and was at secondary or post-secondary level in Canada.

Note: Distance learning programs are not considered by IRCC and to be considered full-time, the applicant must have attended school in Canada and attended at-least 15 hours of classes during each week in that duration

5 points
Applicant’s spouse or common-law partner’s past study in Canada may also be considered, if he/she has also successfully completed at-least two years of full-time study i.e. the program they completed was at-least of two years duration and was at secondary or post-secondary level in Canada. 5 points
Applicant’s past skilled work experience in Canada is considered under this factor, if they:
  • Worked in a job which is identified under National Occupational Classification (NOC) skill type 0 or Skill level A or B, and
  • Worked while having a valid status as a worker (either with a work permit or if they were authorized to work without a work permit)

Note: Work Permit issued to people who made a claim for refugee protection does not confer worker status to the holder and, as such, work performed while possessing those work permits is may not be considered for points under this factor.
5 points
Applicant’s spouse or common-law partner’s previous work experience in Canada may also be considered and they are eligible to get points under this factor if:
  • Their spouse or common-law partner acquired at-least one year of full-time work experience in Canada (i.e. worked at-least 30 hours weekly). The work experience should have been gained with proper and valid work authorization i.e. either with a valid work permit or if they were authorized to work without a permit
5 points
Points for Arranged Employment can be awarded if an applicant gained points for arranged employment under factor 5 5 points
Relatives in Canada: If an applicant or his/her spouse or common-law partner have a relative in Canada who are living in Canada:
  • Living in Canada
  • 18 years of age or above
  • Canadian Citizen of Permanent Resident
The relation of the relative must be:
  • Parent
  • Grandparent
  • Child
  • Grandchild
  • Child of a parent (sibling)
  • Child of a grandparent (aunt or uncle)
  • Grandchild of a parent (niece or nephew)
5 Points